
Dogwood Days in the Shasta Cascade

Dogwood Drupe, Coffee Creek Rd, N. Trinity Lake (10/5/15) Jeri Rangel

Dogwood Drupe, Coffee Creek Rd, N. Trinity Lake (10/5/15) Jeri Rangel

These are dogwood days in the Shasta Cascade as this photo of Dogwood drupes, taken by Jeri Rangel, attests.

The dogwood are now laden with their brightly colored drupes, which are the flower of the dogwood tree.

In springtime, the white blossoms, commonly thought to be the tree’s flower, are actually the flower’s leaves, called bracts.  They surround the actual yellow/green colored flower.

In autumn, the drupe turns black, orange and vibrant red as seen in Jeri’s photo.  In this picture, the dogwood tree’s leaves have not yet turned color, though they will transition from green to shades of pink, orange and rose.

Resting Buck, Plumas County (10/4/15) Jeff Titcomb

Resting Buck, Plumas County (10/4/15) Jeff Titcomb

Elms and Aspen, Antelope Lake (10/4/15) Jeff Titcomb

Elms, Antelope Lake (10/4/15) Jeff Titcomb

Aspen, Plumas County (10o/4/15)

Aspen, Antelope Lake (10/4/15)

As is being reported from other corners of California, a fourth year of drought is having its effect on Plumas County’s trees. Bigleaf maple, cottonwood, willow and black oak should be moving from patchy to near peak right now, though little of that is happening. In fact, the maples and cottonwood have shed most of their leaves, with very few left on the trees to turn.  Those that are, have disappointing color.

There is hope for the willows and black oak, however, as they appear healthy and are rated as Patchy.

Though the report indicates parts of this prime color area are Past Peak, it’s still too early to declare that.  Considering that color spotters in Quincy are reporting that 25% of the trees are turning, as usual, we’ll wait a week or two more.

Peak GO NOW! (75-100%) – Antelope Lake, Plumas County – Aspen and elms surrounding Antelope Lake are at full peak.  Color spotter Jeff Titcomb found a buck resting in the grass near Greenville.  He said it little noticed him, while enjoying a break out in the open, during the middle of hunting season.  Brave buck.