Best Outdoor Site in California was named California’s Best Outdoor Internet Site tonight by the Outdoor Writers Association of California.

Last year, OWAC named the state’s Best Outdoor Medium.

We express our thanks to our readers and contributors who have helped make what it is.

4 replies
  1. Jaganath Achari says:

    Great. Congrats. Truly deserved!

    Your site has been a great inspiration for my fall color trips every year. Cant wait for the “GO NOW” alerts later in the year!

    • John Poimiroo says:

      I spent the morning in Bishop Creek Canyon. The aspen look healthy and are deep green. A few above South Lake (Parcher’s Resort) are turning, but it is still Just Starting (0-10%). Jared Smith and I spoke. He’s optimistic, as am I for a strong fall, considering the water that fell last winter, though there are always the problems with early frost, wind, etc. Stay tuned.

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