
Going to Church in Quincy

Community United Methodist Church, Quincy (10/24/16) Michael Beatley

Community United Methodist Church, Quincy (10/24/16) Michael Beatley

If you haven’t been to church lately, now’s the time to go.

The Community United Methodist church in Quincy has a halo of orange and yellow color surrounding it that is absolutely beatific.  GO NOW!

Community United Methodist Church, Quincy (3,432′) – Near Peak (50-75%) GO NOW!

2 replies
  1. Andrew Davis says:

    As pastor of the church as of July 1, 2016, thank you for capturing these brilliant colors surrounding our beautiful church building. Please do come and take pictures too if anyone comes to visit!! I would also like to personally extend the invitation to join us in worship on Sunday morning’s at 10:00am, as we have a very friendly congregation and would love to share stories (the stained glass windows inside are also brilliant). Our large choir is also well known throughout Quincy and Meadow Valley. We look forward to seeing you soon here in God’s Country!!

    • John Poimiroo says:

      Thanks for the comment and the welcome to our readers to visit Community United Methodist Church while in Quincy, Rev. Davis. Credit is due Michael Beatley who captured a heavenly scene.

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