Rain Enhances Color

Oakland (12/10/16) Darrell Sano

Oakland (12/10/16) Darrell Sano

Oakland (12/10/16) Darrell Sano

Oakland (12/10/16) Darrell Sano

Oakland (12/10/16) Darrell Sano

Oakland (12/10/16) Darrell Sano

Winter (er, Fall) storms have been rolling across Northern California of late.  This past weekend, Darrell Sano awoke to the sound of pounding rain on his roof.

Likely rolling over in bed and groaning, Darrell awoke later that morning to find Oakland embraced by heavy fog and rain shrouding “all chances of any light passing through the winter (Fall, Darrell) mix”.

The rains continued through the afternoon.  

So, did Darrell use the day to check his home for leaks or clear gutters of leaves? No. He did as any great fall color spotter does… he went outside to take photos.

He wrote, “The sky was a giant soft box, gently illuminating leaves in the trees. Leaves knocked down by the rain covered cars, grass, sidewalks, you name it.

“Fall color transported to anything under it! The rain also produced another side effect, coating leaves in a lacquered, shiny surface.”

With the holiday rush in full swing, Oakland neighborhoods were quiet, calm, and speckled with harlequin colors.

Darrell ended his afternoon in the outdoors, soaked to the skin from the constant rain, but having spent one of the most enjoyable Saturday afternoons shooting in and around Oakland.

Oakland – Peak to Past Peak (YOU ALMOST MISSED IT!)