
A Bobcat Brought Us Back

Bobcat (11/20/17) Alena Nicholas

This bobcat brought us back to report about Oak Glen (see yesterday’s post).

Here’s the story. This past weekend, Southern California color spotter Alena Nicholas called to say she planned a Sunday drive to Oak Glen, and asked if we could use any photos. I answered that I thought it was Past Peak, but you never know, there might be something good to shoot.

She returned with yesterday’s report, including a nice shot of deer in an apple orchard, which inspired posting a pie recipe… it seemed like a nice way to tell our readers about neat places like Oak Glen.

After posting the article, Alena called again and said she was on vacation and planned to drive over to Idyllwild and Lake Hemet. Could we use photos of those places? Again, I answered that I thought it was Past Peak, but you never know, there might be something good to shoot, and – by the way – could she stay and shoot sunset? (see previous post).

On her way to the San Jacinto Mountains, Alena passed Oak Glen and called excitedly, asking, “Have you ever gotten a photograph of a bobcat with fall color?”

“Send it immediately, I’m putting together our year-end recap video,” I replied.

We’ll let her photos tell the rest of the story.

Bobcat, Oak Glen (11/20/17) Alena Nicholas

Bobcat, Oak Glen (11/20/17) Alena Nicholas

Apples, Oak Glen (11/20/17) Alena Nicholas

Apple orchard, Oak Glen (11/20/17) Alena Nicholas












Oak Glen (11/20/17) Alena Nicholas

Oak Glen (11/20/17) Alena Nicholas

Sumac, Oak Glen (11/20/17) Alena Nicholas

Black oak, Oak Glen (11/20/17) Alena Nicholas

















Lake Fulmor (11/20/17) Alena Nicholas

Lake Fulmor (11/20/17) Alena Nicholas