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California Wild Grape

California Wild Grape, Cameron Park (10/5/18) John Poimiroo

California Wild Grape, Cameron Park (10/5/18) John Poimiroo

Fremont Cottonwood and California Wild Grape, Cameron Park (10/5/18) John Poimiroo

California Wild Grape, Cameron Park (10/5/18) John Poimiroo

California Wild Grape (Vitis californica) is a treat for fall color foragers.

It’s known to climb as high as 50′ and one specimen I found in Cameron Park easily topped that height. It had overgrown a stand of  Frémont cottonwoods, with grapes hanging in bunches like Christmas ornaments all the way to the top of the trees.

This woody vine is found growing between sea level and 4,000′, often climbing into trees, Falcon Press’ Plants of Northern California reports.

In autumn, their large grape leaves turn a vibrant yellow or deep red at peak.

Only a few leaves had yet blushed, though I plan to  return to get more pictures and purloin a basket of grapes, which have a very pleasant, mild and sweet grape flavor. 


California Wild Grape (1,198′) – Patchy (10-50%)