
Definition: Bear Dump

Bear River, CA-20 (10/26/18) Robert Kermen

dump \ transitive verb \’dəmp : to let fall in or as if in a heap or mass // bigleaf maple trees dumped their leaves in the Bear River. — Source: Merriam-Webster

Bear River, CA-20 (10/26/18) Robert Kermen

From the headline, you might have thought this article would be about bear scat, but that would  require a different definition.

Instead, color spotter Robert Kermen reports that bigleaf maple were dumping yellow and buff-colored leaves along the Sierra Discovery Trail beside the Bear River (Bowman Rd.) this past Friday.

That indicates it’s time to search for ponds, beaver dams and streams between 3,000 and 5,000′ to photograph spent leaves floating upon their dark waters. 

Here are some suggestions:

  • Fern Spring, Yosemite Valley (4,000′) – Peak (75-100%) GO NOW!
  • Bear River (4,400′), CA-20 at Bowman Rd. Peak (75-100%) GO NOW!