Fall Color Map Tops 2.7m Views

California Fall Color Map (10/4/19)

The California Fall Color Map (click top Nav Bar or Sidebar link to access) has now topped 2.7 million views.

The map is updated each week on Friday and shows confirmed reports received from color spotters. As such, it depends on reports and is updated only when reports have been received.

As such, it may not be accurate for a given location, should reports from that location not have been received or have changed greatly since last updated. Nevertheless, it provides a quick overview of where peak fall color can be seen throughout California.

Leaves on the map indicate the extent of change: dark green, No Report; light green, Just Starting; yellow, Patchy; orange, Near Peak; red, Peak and brown, Past Peak.

To contribute a report to the map, email editor@californiafallcolor.com.