
Go Away!

American White Pelicans, Ventura Settling Ponds (9/20/21) Kathy Jonokuchi

The way they’ve turned their backs on the camera, these American White Pelicans seem to be telling onlookers like Southern California color spotter Kathy Jonokuchi to leave them alone.

After all, people, they’d like a little privacy. They just arrived at the Ventura Settling Ponds after a long flight and plan to procreate. As, the settling ponds are their winter breeding grounds.

This specie of pelican is “quite different from the Brown Pelican,” Kathy reports. “It’s one of the largest land birds in North America and they work cooperatively to herd fish into shallows and dunk their heads to catch their meal, unlike the brown pelican which sky dives for its dinner.”

This location is a good place to see migratory birds. Duck and waterfowl will be wintering over in the settling ponds and just outside its fence near the estuary, you can see brown pelicans doing their dives.

  • Ventura Settling Ponds (36′) – American White Pelican Breeding Season – Just Starting (0-10%)