
Onion Valley Made Me Cry

Onion Valley (2/29/21) Mark Harding

I had such high hopes for Onion Valley that I asked Mark Harding to visit it on his way north along US 395. But, once he cut into it, all I could do was cry.

His photos are beautiful, but considering the valley has an elevation of 9,600′, I had expected more color. Mark said it was mostly young aspen and shrubs.

The rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus) is dull and uninviting everywhere in the Sierra. At Lake Tahoe, it was desiccated and bereft of yellow blossoms. As for the aspen, well, they’ll be covered in a report from the Hope Valley soon to be posted.

  • Onion Valley (9,600′) – Patchy (10 – 50%)