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Autumn’s Critters

California Gray Squirrel, Jackson Lake (10/31/21) Gary Skipper II

Normally, photographs a week old aren’t published on CaliforniaFallColor.com. That’s done purposefully so that our readers see what colors are appearing now. However, when Gary Skipper sent these shots of autumn’s critters taken a week ago, I recognized they’re not about the fall color but about the critters, and that’s timeless.

Besides, there’s an autumn story to tell and it’s my birthday, so it’s my present to you … or more properly, Gary’s present.

Leading the birthday party is the California Gray Squirrel, Sciurus griseus. A trait of our native squirrels are that they are timid and will run up a tree at the slightest provocation and sound a hoarse chirping call. Also, they’re threatened by an invasive specie, the Eastern Fox Squirrel, Scurius niger. So, our California squirrel needs all the attention he can get, even if he is camera shy.

Lodgepole chipmunk, Jackson Lake (10/31/21) Gary Skipper II

California quail, Jackson Lake (10/31/21) Gary Skipper II

California Gray Squirrel, Jackson Lake (10/31/21) Gary Skipper II










Joining the Western Gray Squirrel (its other name) is a Lodgepole chipmunk, Tamias speciosus, and standing at attention is a California quail, Callipepla californica.

Gary took the photographs at Jackson Lake near Wrightwood in Southern California. He said Vallyermo had good pockets of fall color when he visited, though admitted some of the subtleties may be missing, since he’s color blind.

The only word of advice we have is, “Gary, don’t adjust your white card. The colors are great!” And, because he did so well, despite not having the same ability others have at determining red or green, I’m gonna break that rule and post the rest of his shots, even though the Jackson Lake, Vallyermo and Wrightwood area is Past Peak.

Jackson Lake (10/31/21) Gary Skipper II

Jackson Lake (10/31/21) Gary Skipper II

Jackson Lake (10/31/21) Gary Skipper II

Jackson Lake (10/31/21) Gary Skipper II

Jackson Lake (10/31/21) Gary Skipper II

Jackson Lake (10/31/21) Gary Skipper II

Jackson Lake (10/31/21) Gary Skipper II

Jackson Lake (10/31/21) Gary Skipper II

Jackson Lake (10/31/21) Gary Skipper II

Jackson Lake (10/31/21) Gary Skipper II


Black oak, Jackson Lake (10/31/21) Gary Skipper II

  • Jackson Lake, Wrightwood (6,000′) – Past Peak, You Missed It.